Our ambassadors

“Hildegarde” Laurence Talleux

Is a trainer and author specializing in the recognition and use of wild plants. She is the creator of the OSAPIC method, and teaches cooking with the Echappées association, both in everyday life and outdoors.

Solar Brother

I love Solar Brother products, innovative and ingenious. Tools that use the sun’s energy, practical in the field and increasingly essential for preserving energy and nature, and for gaining self-sufficiency. Solar is a French company born of the genius of Gilles and his super-friendly team, with real human and sharing values. I’m proud to be part of this great Solar family.

Hildegarde Laurence Talleux


Recommended products

The OMY dryer for drying plants for winter herbal teas, of course, but also for dehydrating anything and everything – fruit, vegetables, meat, etc. For me, the OMY is the essential tool for conditioning your crops for storage.

The SunGood solar cooker solar cooker and accessories for safe, easy cooking in the great outdoors.

The SunCase solar lighter solar-powered lighter, because it’s a good alternative for starting a fire or running out of gas.


Denis Tribaudeau has made a name for himself in the field of “extreme” adventure. His experience, expertise and good humor are much appreciated by the media, who regularly ask him to illustrate or understand “survival situations”. A veritable modern-day Idiana Jones, with an approach based on understanding our environment so that we can better be part of it, he provides the right reflexes for survival in all circumstances…



Solar Brother

First and foremost, Solar Brother has the essential tools that every adventurer should have at the bottom of his or her bag – it’s a French brand, innovative and creative – it uses the sun’s natural, infinite, bio-green resource – and last but not least, the managers are very friendly!

Recommended products

ADVENTURE KIT solar survival gear
SUNMOOVE® 6.5 Watt solar charger
Suncase Gear customized solar lighters

Eléonore LLUNA

Survival instructor, hiking leader and creator of nature experiences. My specialty is self-sufficiency in the wilderness, learning to identify resources and, more broadly, living in the forest! Inevitably, living so close to our environment has made me aware of the need to preserve it, and in any case to leave as small a footprint as possible.


Solar Brother

It’s an innovative, friendly French company with real sharing values! Above all, it’s a big family, and I’m delighted to support Solar Brother. The products are sober, efficient and well thought-out: perfection sometimes comes from simplicity!

Recommended products

I use several… The adventure kit is my preferred choice for nature activities. To signal your presence, to start a fire (it even accompanies me to Indonesia!) or just to pyrography little totem poles with the family. But I also use the dinette for picnics, when you can’t build a fire because of the drought and the risk of fire, being able to heat up a slice of quiche without a flame is a luxury!

“Le Presage”

Le Présage is Europe’s first solar-powered restaurant. Based in Marseille, it draws on the region’s abundant solar energy and its magnificent products to offer the experience of a #FuturDélicieux, capable of speaking to the stomach to awaken the spirits.
Today a guinguette, tomorrow a garden restaurant with a bioclimatic building!



Solar Brother

We support Solar Brother because we share the same values and the desire to share the joy of cooking with solar energy with as many people as possible! We’ve been working together since the beginning of the Présage adventure, and we’re looking forward to continuing this collaboration!

Recommended product

The SunChef of course! 😉

Jean Baptiste Martin

Jean-Baptiste Martin, 44, cook since I was 15, major of the Ecole Supérieure de Cuisine Française, trained for many years in Michelin-starred restaurants, cook in the French Navy in the Pacific, chef in California in South San Francisco, founder of cuisine coup de coeur, a cooking school in Viroflay and of Maison Martin, France’s #1 brand of hot sauces. Lovers of thrills, surfing, snowboarding, paragliding, rugby … and adventure .
Tricks: We were the first to get solar cooking off the ground, and we intend to take it to even greater heights!

Jean Baptiste Martin


Solar Brother

I support Solar Brother because we need to step up the use of solar cooking, but also because the team is really nice and committed to what they offer.

Recommended products

I recommend any solar oven
The sun is your oven!

Alban Michon

Alban Michon, explorer and polar diver, I managed two diving schools for 15 years. One under ice in Tignes and one underground in the Lot. For more than 10 years I have been leading expeditions, mainly in the Arctic zone. My missions include scientific, physiological and educational research and studies. We also produce books and films for the general public, bearing witness to a world in perpetual motion.

Alban Michon


Solar Brother

Because Gilles is my neighbor!!! Because they’re cool, they have a great community, they innovate and most of all because they have real products that work!!!!

Recommended product

I love SUNMOOVE solar chargers with external batteries. Lightweight and efficient, they are easy to place anywhere and provide great service.


Born in Japan in 1999, to an American father and French mother, I’m a passionate person who loves to learn and share.
Lovers of trekking, woodworking and adventure of all kinds.
A former carpenter and web content creator since 2013, I now host a YouTube channel with Lucas Dubessy on which we share our outdoor and/or DIY-oriented projects.


Solar Brother

Solar Brother is a great team with a great cause! In short, Solar Brother is all about sunshine!

Recommended product

I recommend the OMY solar dryer because dehydration has many advantages. Particularly if, like me, you love hiking, this means you can set off with food that’s light, compact and keeps for a long time: everything you need on the trail.

Gatien Rames

Gatien, a career soldier in the 27th mountain infantry brigade as an alpine hunter, and more specifically in the mountain commando group. Drawing on his experience, he also organizes nature immersion courses with his “Horizon-expérience” school. He attaches great importance to the transmission of knowledge. To achieve this, it relies on an active teaching approach, in which role-playing is systematic and essential. The key words are : Learning, conviviality and safety.

Solar Brother

Over and above the technical and innovative aspects of the tools developed by SB, I immediately fell in love with the values espoused by Gilles and Gatien.

Gatien Rames


Recommended products

I was immediately seduced by the Sun Case solar lighter. I saw it as a pragmatic and sustainable tool for providing two ignition systems. I also present it as a makeshift signaling mirror, using the fins as a heliograph.

I’m also convinced by the “adventure kit. The fresnel lens offers an effective means of ignition, a fun pyrography tool, and a magnifying glass for exploring a wound in first aid, for example.
In both cases, these tools are beautiful, fun and offer a wide range of uses. Well done!

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